Source code for yagot._garbagetracker

GarbageTracker class.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import types
import re
import gc
import pprint
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
import six
    import objgraph
except ImportError:
    objgraph = None

__all__ = ['GarbageTracker']

# Regexp pattern for pprint recursion text
PPRINT_RECURSION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"<Recursion on (.*) with id=([0-9]+)>")

[docs]class GarbageTracker(object): """ The GarbageTracker class provides a singleton garbage tracker that can track :term:`uncollectable objects` and optionally :term:`collected objects` that emerged during a tracking period. """ # The singleton GarbageTracker object _tracker = None def __init__(self): self._enabled = False self._leaks_only = False self._ignored = False self._ignored_type_names = [] self._saved_thresholds = None self._garbage_index = 0 self._garbage = []
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tracker(): """ Returns the singleton garbage tracker object. The object is created when accessed through this method for the first time. """ if GarbageTracker._tracker is None: GarbageTracker._tracker = GarbageTracker() return GarbageTracker._tracker
@property def enabled(self): """ bool: Boolean indicating the enablement status of the garbage tracker. """ return self._enabled @property def ignored(self): """ bool: Boolean indicating whether the current tracking period should be ignored. This flag is set via :meth:`~yagot.GarbageTracker.ignore`. """ return self._ignored @property def leaks_only(self): """ bool: Boolean indicating whether the tracker limits the checks to :term:`uncollectable objects` (= leaks) only. This flag can be set via :meth:`~yagot.GarbageTracker.enable`. """ return self._leaks_only @property def garbage(self): """ list: List of new :term:`collected objects` or :term:`uncollectable objects` that emerged during the last tracking period. """ return self._garbage @property def ignored_type_names(self): """ Return the Python type names to be ignored as :term:`collected objects` or :term:`uncollectable objects`. The types :class:`py:frame` and :class:`py:code` that are always ignored are included in the returned list. Returns: list: List of Python type names to be ignored as represented by the ``str(type)`` function (for example "int" or "mymodule.MyClass"). """ return self._ignored_type_names
[docs] def enable(self, leaks_only=False): """ Enable the garbage tracker and control what objects it checks for. Parameters: leaks_only (bool): Boolean limiting the checks to :term:`uncollectable objects` (=leaks) only. """ self._enabled = True self._leaks_only = leaks_only
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable the garbage tracker. """ self._enabled = False
[docs] def ignore(self): """ Ignore the current tracking period for this garbage tracker, if it is enabled. This causes :attr:`~yagot.GarbageTracker.ignored` to be set. """ if self.enabled: self._ignored = True
[docs] def ignore_types(self, type_list): """ Set additional Python types to be ignored as :term:`collected objects` or :term:`uncollectable objects`. The specified types are in addition to the following list of types that are aways ignored because they often appear as collectable objects when catching exceptions (e.g. when using :func:`pytest.raises`): * :class:`py:frame` * :class:`py:code` If the list of collected or uncollectable objects detected during the tracking period contains an object with a type that is to be ignored, the entire tracking period is ignored. Parameters: type_list (:term:`py:iterable`): Iterable of Python types, or `None`. Each type can be specified as a type object or as a string with the type name as represented by the ``str(type)`` function (for example, "int" or "mymodule.MyClass"). `None` or an empty iterable means not to set additional types. """ self._ignored_type_names = [ _type2name(types.FrameType), _type2name(types.CodeType), ] if type_list: for t in type_list: if isinstance(t, type): type_name = _type2name(t) else: assert isinstance(t, six.string_types) type_name = t self._ignored_type_names.append(type_name)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the tracking period for this garbage tracker. Must be called before the code to be tracked is run. """ if self.enabled: self._ignored = False self._garbage = [] self._saved_thresholds = gc.get_threshold() gc.set_threshold(0, 0, 0) gc.set_debug(0) gc.collect() if not self.leaks_only: gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) # If we delete the gc.garbage items, they will re-appear, so we # remember the last position. self._garbage_index = len(gc.garbage)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the tracking period for this garbage tracker. Must be called after the code to be tracked is run. """ if self.enabled: gc.collect() gc.set_debug(0) gc.set_threshold(*self._saved_thresholds) # Eliminate previous content of the gc.garbage list in order to # show just the garbage added since start(). New uncollectable # objects are always appended to the end of the gc.garbage list, # so we only need to remember the previous index into the list. if self._ignored: # If the testcase execution has decided to ignore this tracking # period, do so. self._garbage = [] else: ignore = False for i in range(self._garbage_index, len(gc.garbage)): # There are cases with weakly referenced objects where # isinstance(item, ...) fails with ReferenceError. # Therefore, we use direct type comparison. Also, we # don't want to match object of subclasses anyway. type_name = _type2name(type(gc.garbage[i])) if type_name in self.ignored_type_names: ignore = True break if ignore: self._garbage = [] else: self._garbage = gc.garbage[self._garbage_index:]
[docs] def assert_message(self, location=None, max=10): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Return a formatted multi-line string for the assertion message for the :term:`collected objects` or :term:`uncollectable objects` detected during the tracking period. Parameters: location (:term:`string`): Location of the function that created the objects, e.g. in the notation "module::function". max (int): Maximum number of objects to be included in the returned string. Returns: :term:`unicode string`: Formatted multi-line string. """ kind_str = "uncollectable" if self.leaks_only \ else "collected or uncollectable" ret_str = u"\nThere were {num} {kind} object(s) caused by function " \ u"{loc}:\n". \ format(num=len(self.garbage), kind=kind_str, loc=location) for i, obj in enumerate(self.garbage): # self._generate_objgraph(obj) if i >= max: ret_str += u"\n...\n" break ret_str += u"\n{}: {}\n".format(i + 1, self.format_obj(obj)) return ret_str
[docs] @staticmethod def format_obj(obj): """ Return a formatted string for a single object. Parameters: obj (object): The object. Returns: :term:`unicode string`: Formatted string for the object. """ try: obj_str = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=2) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Try repr() directly try: obj_str = repr(obj) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Give up obj_str = "<Formatting error: repr() raises {type}: {msg}>". \ format(type=exc.__class__.__name__, msg=exc) # Post-format possible pprint recursion text obj_str = PPRINT_RECURSION_PATTERN.sub(_id2addr, obj_str) ret = u"{type} object at 0x{addr:0x}:\n{obj}". \ format(type=type(obj), addr=id(obj), obj=obj_str) return ret
@staticmethod def _generate_objgraph(obj): """ If the objgraph package is installed, generate a .png file with the references the specified object has. """ if objgraph: def _extra_info(obj): "extra_info function used for objgraph.show_refs()" return "at 0x{:08x}".format(id(obj)) def _filter(obj): "filter function used for objgraph.show_refs()" excluded = inspect.isclass(obj) \ or inspect.isroutine(obj) \ or obj is None return not excluded dt = fname = 'objgraph_{}_{}_0x{:08x}.png'. \ format(dt.strftime('%H.%M.%S'), obj.__class__.__name__, id(obj)) objgraph.show_refs( obj, max_depth=8, too_many=20, filename=fname, extra_info=_extra_info, filter=_filter, shortnames=True, refcounts=True)
def _id2addr(matchobj): """ Regexp substituion function to reformat pprint recursion text. """ ret = "<Recursive reference to {type} object at 0x{addr:0x}>". \ format(, addr=int( return ret def _type2name(type_obj): """ Return type name of a type object, as represented by `str(type_obj)`. """ m = re.match(r"<(class|type) '(.*)'>", str(type_obj)) assert m is not None type_name = return type_name